For those who weren’t able to attend, here’s a video recording of the “How to Live Near Friends” E-Seminar I did with Priya.
We talked about 6 models for how you do this from easiest (routine hosting) to hardest (coliving village).
Multigenerational coliving village (case study: Radish)
Organizing a “Neighborhood” (case study: Fractal)
Co-buying a vacation home (case study: Duck Cloud)
Coliving house (case study: Rabbithole)
Moving <5 minutes from a friend or family member (case study: LiveNearFriends)
Bonus: Regularly scheduled hosting (case study: Fractal Sunday Dinner)
In general, we recommend people start with something on the first half of this list and build up to something on the second half (though, some will jump straight to something harder right away … and we support it).
Priya and I both shared our lessons learned and outcomes from our various experiments and did a Q&A at the end.
Slides are here.
This was excellent, thank you. I've been thinking a lot about this topic, but you guys helped put a real framework around the options for living near friends. Hope to experiment in this world as much as I can moving forward!